Why I don't care for Super Paper Mario

When have I ever shown myself to give a rats ass about what other people thought?

Besides, its a straw argument, the traditional Mario elements like power-ups isn't why people hated that game.
Actually part of my dislike for Sticker Star was the removal of traditional Paper Mario elements and making it more like the NSMB series. The enemy designs are especially guilty of this.
They hated the game because it was more of a main-series title than a Paper Mario adventure. At least that's why I hated it. The gameplay at times was actually quite fun. I enjoyed my first playthrough, giving the game the benefit of the doubt. I didn't realize how lazy it was until I got to the final level and found out how quickly I had beaten the game, and that the final level (which by PM tradition is always long, challenging and full of enemies and traps) consisted of two empty hallways. I still enjoy Sticker Star when I play it, just by far not as much as SPM and the other Paper Mario titles (although I haven't played the original in ages)

So yeah, Sticker Star can be enjoyable as much as I hate to admit it. I just liked the others FAR more.
GalacticPetey said:
Actually part of my dislike for Sticker Star was the removal of traditional Paper Mario elements and making it more like the NSMB series. The enemy designs are especially guilty of this.

The enemy designs are just them using the modern day Mario look.

I'm sorry but thats a stupid complaint.
There was nothing wrong with the Paper Mario designs other than "OMG we must erase every hint of this being a Paper Mario game!!!1"

GalacticPetey said:
I liked their older looks. Helped make the Paper Mario games feel distinct.
Basically this.
Donatello said:
Actually, aside from standard Koopas and Paratroopas wearing shades, all the enemies look the same to me.
They look more like their 3D artwork converted into paper instead of being desgined from the ground up in paper style like they are in the other PM games. Such as Goombas having thinner eyebrows and their shoes are no longer red, Hammer Bros. look drastically different (to me at least), and of course the absence of series staples such as Clefts.
GalacticPetey said:
I liked their older looks. Helped make the Paper Mario games feel distinct.

They didn't look distinct, they were just paper versions of what the designs looked like at the time. The reason they had remained consistent up to SPM is because the designs themselves hadn't been updated since SM64. The modern day look they use now came out post SPM.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
I don't recall Boos and Dry Bones looking anything like their PM counterparts in mainline Mario games during that time period.

Dry Bones didn't have a modern design at the time and boos were still being played with.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
So? That makes their Paper Mario designs even more unique. And since when did Koopa Troopas in the main series ever wear shades?

Out of necessity, not because they were trying to be so.

And since the game incorporated friendly koopas thus the need to differentiate between the 2.
Super Paper Mario though, didn't have any friendly NPC Koopas and had enemy Koopas both with and without shades. (The ones without shades I believe were only in the bitlands though) Sticker Star could have kept the shades just to you know, have a nod to the fact that this is part of the Paper Mario series?
The shades in SPM were to show which worked for count bleck and which worked for Bowser.

They became completely irrelevant in SPM because there were no friendly koopas.
I actually forgot how ugly their older designs were.
No, Boos are supposed to look "modern"


this artwork is from Super Mario Bros. 3, the game they originated from
I had no problem with the Boo designs in the first three Paper Mario games. I didn't like that they made them identical to the main series in SS. The RPGs are connected to the main series, but still need to feel distinct, which Sticker Star failed at.
I prefer it when my spin offs actually resemble the thing they are supposed to have been spun off from, its part of why I hate SPM's designs.
It was a different world.

Also SPM's designs of classic SMB enemies is the same as the first two PM games.

Part of the reason (and a BIG reason) I love the RPGs is because they don't look exactly like your average run-of-the-mill Super Mario platformer and instead feel like their own thing.
I actually liked SS's character designs. I don't like any of the Paper Mario alternatives.

That being said, it does feel too NSMBW like.