Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted. Masses of memoryman-like Waluigi fans rise up and take the internet by storm, and the civilized Waluigi fans won't individually call them out on it.Oh wait.

I wish all the Sarasaland denizens could return with better localized names.
Granted, but they have good lines behind an almost impossible challenge to unlock them.
I wish that Hurricane Florence would go away.
Granted. You get everything done early and have nothing to do for the rest of the week.

I wish Waluigi wasn't a good character to play as in everything. He's my new main in Mario Kart and I don't want him to be.
Granted, but in the next installment he is in he will be one of the best characters in the game.
I wish that I had a Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
Granted, you accidentally break it, and you have to pick up every piece. But you'll walk on the parts and it'll be very painful.

I wish it was the weekend.
Granted, you get buried in the snow however, so good luck getting outta here!

I wish Lucario had his bone rush in Smash. He looks so great with dat staff.
Granted, but she is like that forever.
I wish that I had a diamond ring.