Good wishes aren't always good wishes

nabber said:
Ummm... what is Sburb?


SpinyMaster said:
I wish I had Sburb

Granted, you only have it in your dreams.

I wish that nabber knew what Sburb was.
Granted. He turns evil and burns down your house.

I wish that I wasn't a little pissed right now.
Granted. You now know what to wish for. But you used up your only wish and now you don't get a wish! MUHAHAHA!

I wish I could fall from great hights without hurting myself (therefore, not dying).
Granted. It falls in the toilet.

I wish that I could go to a concert.
Granted you get one of the Apocalypse Ponies
I wish for the ability to grant my self unlimited consequence free wishes ;D
Granted. Your wishes are unlimited as long as they all involve carnivorous zebras eating your soul.

I wish to play a bug-free, working copy of Super Mario 3DS that includes all completed levels.
Granted But you never get past level one
i wish to beat ever mario game
Granted, they're all bots.

I wish I had MK:DD!! (PAL version) and a European GameCube controller.
Granted but your gamecube/wii quits working
I wish they would release Pikmin 3 for the Wii :posh:
Granted but it doesn't have any of the awesome features the Wii U version has.
(They are making a Wii U Pikmin.)

I wish for a Golden Ticket.
Granted but all it is is hitting yourself in the head.

I wish I knew the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.